"Orange Mango" - 9/14/16 - Photo and Video Tutorial

After receiving positive feedback on last weeks photo, I decided to build on the concept and create something a bit more exciting.

The following image is the result of several hours of experimentation. The photo itself is made up of two exposures, one for the background and one for the bottle. Both of which were processed in Adobe Lightroom, and later combined in Adobe Photoshop. The splash effect was later added in the post production process, by liquifying the bottle and than adding several layer masks comprised of various paint splashes.

The final product is shown below. 

In addition, I have also produced a video tutorial detailing the process for creating the splash's. 

[Photo] - "A Splash Of Blue" - 3/3/16

Here is another photo taken as a part of my portfolio evaluation class. 

I had a bit more trouble with this one than normal. I ended up with at least three versions of this photo that I was not happy with. After getting some feedback from my professor I finally decided on this version, which was a lot different than my original idea. 

The entire image is a composite made out of at least five photographs. All the images were combined within Photoshop to create the final effect. 

As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated. I am currently looking for ways to improve this one, so it will likely change a few times before the semester is over. 

[Updated Images] - "Sparkling ICE" - "Passing Time"

All of the projects I have posted over the last few weeks have been taken as part of my final portfolio for my photography major. After getting some feedback from one of my professors i've decided to revisit a few of these images. Below are new and improved versions of "Sparkling ICE", and "Passing Time".  

[Photo] "Carlsberg" - 2/20/16

The following image is another experiment with how light effects reflective objects. I've been trying to build a portfolio based around product shots, this being one of the many photos that will be included. I will post more from my portfolio in the coming weeks, so expect a lot of changes to the site. 

As always any feedback is highly appreciated. Let me know what you think. 

[Photo] "Heineken" - 11/27/15

I decided to try my hand at some product photography. I mainly used this shot to get familiar with a new light kit I purchased. So far im happy with the result. I definitely need to work on my technique though. I also tried a few new post production techniques, although I have not quite perfected them yet. 

The following image is the result of my experiments. 

[Photo] "Leninade" - Experimenting With Color.

Toady I am continuing my theme of taking pictures of soda bottles. Honestly it's one of my favorite things to do. My goal for today was to do a few experiments with color, and the following is what happened. I decided to look around online for a unique soda bottle featuring the color red. After a few hours searching I stumbled across a drink called "Leninade" which has a very obvious Soviet Union theme to it. And since im so fascinated with the color red this was exactly what I needed. 

For this shot I intended to place a bottle of Leninade on top of a red and black background. I ended up getting a 20x20 print of one of my own images, for this instance I used "Texture 1". I than lit it using two soft boxes and an off camera flash. I used a red gel on one of the soft boxes to lessen the glare, the other was left white. I also used a yellow gel on the flash in order to bring out the text a little. I than took a series of 4 to 5 shots and brought them into Photoshop where I preformed an HDR conversion. After about an hour of processing I came out with the image you see below. Overall I am quite happy with this one. It is exactly what I was looking for in terms of the color, and is probably the best HDR conversion I've done to this day. 

If you're interested, im offering this photo as a print. You can get yours at this link. If anyone decided to pick one up send me a picture, id love to see.