[Updated Images] - "Sparkling ICE" - "Passing Time"

All of the projects I have posted over the last few weeks have been taken as part of my final portfolio for my photography major. After getting some feedback from one of my professors i've decided to revisit a few of these images. Below are new and improved versions of "Sparkling ICE", and "Passing Time".  

"Time - Part 1" - "Passing Time"

The following is another installment of my photo series, "Time - Part 1". I decided to take a break from the overall theme of the project and shoot this one in color as apposed to black and white. I will still include a black and white version of this shot, however I like the color version a lot more. 

As always any feedback is always appreciated. Let me know what you think. 

Above: "Passing Time" - Final Version

Below: "Passing Time" - B&W Version