[Photo Series] "Time - Part 1" The first 2 images.

Over the past two weeks i've been thinking of ideas for a new photo series. I eventually settled on the theme of time. I intend to take a collection of photos each incorporating a pocket watch or clock. Currently there is no set story for the project and it's meant to be more of a collection of similar images than an actual story. 

The main goal of the project as of today is to use these images to create various pieces of wall art. Since im still in the early stages of the project a lot can still change. That being said I would still like to share what I have so far. 

I've set up a gallery page for this project. Once more images are finished they will be posted to the gallery as well as on this blog. 

The two images below are what i've finished so far. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

Infrared Photography - Day 3 - ULTRA WIDE ANGLE

In preparation for my yearly vacation I decided it would be a cool idea to bring a wide angle lens with me. So far it's been a lot of fun, but one thing I was eager to try with it was infrared photography. Since my last few attempts at infrared photography ended in bitter failure as well as a good chunk of money wasted I made sure that this time would be different. After playing around with various white balance settings as well as a few new techniques i've picked up, I can finally walk away with an image I am happy with. 

Below are the results of my test's for today. The first image is just a close up of the headlight of my car. Shot in infrared of course. The second is just an experiment to see if I finally understand the color conversion.

Overall I am very pleased with the outcome of the first image. And I cant wait to take this thing on the road with me next week.  

[Photo] "Ice 1-3"

The following is just a few test shots of some ice cubes. I wasn't really trying anything specific here. Maybe soon ill use these ice cubes for something, but for now this is what i've got. 

[Photo's] Testing Out Colored Gels "Orange/Red Bubble 1-3"

After having fun with last week's project, I decided I would test out some more studio lighting techniques. Today I thought it would be fun to add some colored gels into the mix and take a break from black and white. 

I went out and bought a few different gels. I got one huge orange gel to attach to my soft box as well as a kit of gels to attach to my flash. The results are shown below. 

I really didn't have anything specific in mind for this shoot. I just wanted to play around with the gels and see how the color would affect the shot. Hopefully now I can use these gels to get some interesting shots in the future. 

The setup for this shoot is very similar to the one used last week. For more info check out last week's post

Infrared Photography - Day 1 - Test 1 - 4/29/15

Over the past few day's I've had an urge to try out Infrared Photography. So I purchased an IR filter for my lens. What you are about to see is the result of my first few hours messing around with this technique. I wasn't going for anything special in these shots. I was just trying to see if I could get a useable image. 

It turned out to be a little more difficult than I expected. For example I tried opening up to f1.8 attempting to get a faster shutter speed, as it turns out that is a really bad idea. Every shot I took at f1.8 f2.8 etc was loosing a ton of data. It seams as if this filter reduces sharpness by a considerable amount. As a result all of my shots with a wide aperture were completely unusable. However my shots at f11 worked out just fine. 

The shots below are the finished product from today's test shoot. Hopefully next week I will be able to go out and shoot some killer infrared landscapes. 


Test Shot #1:

ISO - 100

Focal length - 50mm


Shutter Speed - 30 sec


Test Shot #2

ISO - 200

Focal Length - 50mm


Shutter Speed - 20 sec

[Photo] 3/27/15 Off The Path.

This is just a quick snapshot of an idea I had. I originally wanted to do something with old playing cards. I thought it would be a good idea to attach one to the spokes of a bike like in old cartoons. I even went through the trouble of staining the card, however it's not very noticeable in this shot. I will definitely try some more stuff with these stained playing cards. In the meantime heres a picture of a bike. 

[Work in progress] Grape Fanta Bottle.

A while ago I took a photo of a Strawberry Fanta Bottle, at the moment it is one of my favorite shots that Ive ever taken. I came up with the idea to do an entire series similar to that photo. The idea was to take a shot of every single flavor against a background to match. With strawberry being on red, grape on purple, lemon on yellow, and of corse the original on orange. I recently tried my hand at the grape bottle and the result is shown below. It's a start but I definitely will revisit this one and perhaps try it again. Although it's not finished, I just wanted to post it so that it wont go unseen.