Infrared Photography - Day 3 - ULTRA WIDE ANGLE

In preparation for my yearly vacation I decided it would be a cool idea to bring a wide angle lens with me. So far it's been a lot of fun, but one thing I was eager to try with it was infrared photography. Since my last few attempts at infrared photography ended in bitter failure as well as a good chunk of money wasted I made sure that this time would be different. After playing around with various white balance settings as well as a few new techniques i've picked up, I can finally walk away with an image I am happy with. 

Below are the results of my test's for today. The first image is just a close up of the headlight of my car. Shot in infrared of course. The second is just an experiment to see if I finally understand the color conversion.

Overall I am very pleased with the outcome of the first image. And I cant wait to take this thing on the road with me next week.