Welcome to nickwilt.com Version 1.0

Hello and welcome to my brand new website.

I guess introductions are in order. My name is Nicholas Wilt, but you can call me Nick. I am a student photographer currently studying at Howard Community College in Columbia Maryland. If you couldn't guess already this site is mainly to show off my photographs, as well as act as a home for all of my projects. I am currently not doing any commercial work at this point, but am using my time in between semesters to build up my skills in order to be the best that I can be.

On this site you will find categorized lists of all my photographs, links to video tutorials, and this blog. I intend to use this blog as a way to post my thoughts on a certain project. Each time I upload a new image, post a new video, etc, I will post an update in this blog explaining exactly what was done in said project. So hopefully I can use this blog as a way to share my experiences as they happen. 

As of today March 10th 2015, this marks the first version of my website. I expect to change this site quite a lot as time goes on, adding in more features as well a changing existing ones. I am already starting to question how I organized the images. For example a few images are repeated in more that one gallery. However it is the first version and as time goes on it will improve.

I would like to say thank you to anyone who comes across this site. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, you can find my social links at the bottom of this page.

Thanks again.

- Nick